Knowing Your Path To Excellence

Showing Up From Our Best

High caliber leadership is borne from the clarity of our decisions, the potency of our keen insights and the power of our intentions. Yet, how do we excel in them? How much do we need to improve and how talented do we need to be? Interestingly enough, we don’t need to master more content or be any better than we are.   We simply need to access the best we have and to offer it fully to others – this in essence is being a mindful leader.

Authentic Engagement

Business pressures create an unending series of compromises and negotiations. Questioned from many directions, we begin to question ourselves. As self-doubt creeps in, we can easily forget that our power is not sourced from our ability to control people and outcomes, but rather from our vulnerability and authenticity. Our deep confidence is based on our self-acceptance that touches our compassion for self and others, and our resilience that allows us to dispel any sense of overwhelm as we keep in stride toward our vision.


The pebbles in our shoe or the boulders in our path are not signs that we are lost or deficient.  Rather, this is the nature of the path to excellence. Yet, through the power of fearless confidence and an embodied flow, the path forward opens for us.  Our warrior nature becomes an ally when battling the obstacles and constraints, but it is our ever-present humanity that propels us into heroic action.